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Hey Google, Get with the Times!

| Janet Camilleri | ,

Hey Google, Get with the Times!

| Janet Camilleri | ,

The Google business verification process can be … kind of a nightmare!

Post-pandemic, many people (like us!) are working and running businesses from home. And I think most of us will agree there are plenty of benefits with that arrangement (hello, hot lunches and cosy slippers!).

Where we can run into problems, however, is when setting up a Google Business Profile (GBP) – which is an excellent free tool for gaining visibility for your business in search engine results. To do so, Google requires you to verify your address … and that’s where things can get tricky.

Many home businesses understandably don’t want their address listed online, and Google doesn’t cope very well with that.

woman looking at watch to signify that Google needs to get with the times

What is the Google Business Verification Process?

To set up a GBP, Google needs to verify you’re running a legitimate business from the location you say you are – and that’s fair enough.

In the ‘good ol’ days’, verifying your address meant Google would mail you out a postcard with a code to confirm your business location.

Today, Google has moved to a video verification model – requesting proof of things like signage outside your office, car signage, business cards, and letterhead. Now, I don’t know about you – but we are a fully virtual agency. That means, there’s no Front Page SEO signage outside our home offices!

You’re also expected to continue recording as you walk from your office outside to show your street sign and number. No pausing, no stopping. This can be an issue if the street sign is some distance from your home – it makes the video too long and then it won’t upload. Agghhh!

Of course it’s important for businesses to prove their legitimacy when creating a listing – but this process is more than a little frustrating.

We’ve even heard rumours that these videos aren’t even assessed by humans. Or when they are, they’re usually non-native English speakers – which can cause confusion with differing views on what a ‘legitimate’ business is.

More often than not, these videos are getting rejected. It drags out the Google business verification process, because then you need to appeal it – and in a large organisation like Google it’s virtually impossible to get a real person on the phone.

So, is it Really Worth all the Hassle?

Despite these frustrations, that’s a resounding YES from us.

Why? Because for local businesses, having an active GBP is the fastest way for you to come up the top of Google where you’re going to get clicks, calls, and customers.

It’s one of the easiest ways to get ahead of your competition, because according to Australian research:

  • 28% of local businesses haven’t claimed their free Google listing;
  • Only 30% of small businesses actively manage their Google listing;
  • Just 13% regularly post updates!

While the verification process can be annoying, at Front Page SEO it’s our passion to help businesses find SEO solutions. It’s why we offer services designed to help you navigate the complex Google-verse successfully, or even take the tough work off your hands completely!

Help with the Google Business Verification Process

If you’re having issues with getting your GBP verified, setting one up in the first place, or keeping it well maintained – we can assist.

Due to popular demand, we’ve just released a training video, “Making the Most of Your Google Business Profile” which offers a practical step-by-step guide to help you generate leads online.

There’s also our Google Business Optimiser Package where we’ll work with you to optimise your listing and implement a tailored strategy to generate more leads, customers, and revenue.

Keen to get ahead of your competitors and take full advantage of your Google Business Profile? Contact our SEO specialists in Brisbane today!