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The SEO Specialists for service-based businesses

Why Choose an SEO Specialist?

Why Choose an SEO Specialist?

If you have a website for your business, you have probably heard about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

And for good reason! SEO (search engine optimisation) is crucial if you want your website to generate leads for your business: more clicks means more clients, and ultimately, more sales.

These days, it seems that most website builders and digital marketing agencies include SEO in their service offerings.

But not everyone is an SEO specialist.

Why an SEO Specialist?

Imagine for a moment that you need heart surgery.

Would you want your GP to perform the operation – or a specialist?

It could mean the difference between life or death, so of course you will choose the specialist!

It’s the same with SEO.

You might not think that getting your SEO right is a matter of life or death – but it is for your business!

While a website builder might set you up with an SEO friendly website, it isn’t their area of strength.

A digital agency may offer a range of services – from social media marketing to Google Ads campaigns, and yes, even SEO – but they may not be SEO specialists.

What Sets an SEO Specialist apart?

Anybody can call themselves an SEO expert, as the industry is unregulated.

So here are some tips on what to look for when somebody makes this claim:


It’s said that it takes 10 000 hours of deliberate practice to become an expert – which equates to roughly ten years of spending approximately four hours each work day immersed in the field.


A specialist has a strong track record for achieving excellent results in their field – check out their case studies and testimonials to see if this is the case.


There’s no university degree in SEO (at this stage) but there are certifications offered by reputable institutions such as SEMrush and Hubspot.


Have they been officially recognised for their skills in relevant awards programs?


One sign of an expert is that they share their knowledge and skills with others. This might be through conducting training, or creating books and other resources.


They have invested in the best tools in the trade, and they know where to find the answers for the things they don’t know.

Ongoing Learning

What! Aren’t they supposed to know everything?!

A specialist realises that they will never know everything about their area of expertise. However, they are constantly reading and trying to improve their knowledge.

SEO Specialists Brisbane

Factoring in all of the above – at Front Page SEO, we are proud to call ourselves SEO specialists and we love helping our clients to flourish!

We invite you to click to book a free SEO checkup with one of our SEO specialists today, or call 0421 757 424.

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