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Specialising in SEO for Allied Health Professionals

The Benefits of Awards

| Janet Camilleri | ,

The Benefits of Awards

| Janet Camilleri | ,

We’re not ones to toot our own horn (okay, maybe just a little) – but Front Page SEO was recently chosen as a finalist in the Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards for Marketing Services!

We’re particularly proud of this, because it means our Brisbane SEO agency is recognised amongst the top female-led businesses nationally for innovation and excellence.

While we aren’t expecting a win (after all, we have some seriously strong competition!) we wanted to chat about why being nominated in these kinds of awards is such a big deal. Spoiler alert: It’s not just about the shiny trophy!

Whether you’re in SEO or any other industry, one of the benefits of awards is that they can be a powerful tool for small businesses, from an SEO – and also a broader marketing – perspective.

An SEO Boost

One of the key benefits of awards nominations is the positive impact it can have on your SEO strategy.

Awards are not only a mark of recognition, but also a powerful signal to search engines about your experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).

When your business is associated with prestigious awards, it naturally builds credibility in the eyes of both potential customers and search engines. This can lead to increased organic traffic, as search engines favour websites that demonstrate authority and reliability.

Awards also often come with high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. Whether it’s a mention on the award’s website, coverage in industry publications, or shout-outs on social media, these backlinks can help improve your site’s domain authority.

Over time, this can lead to better rankings in search engine results – driving more traffic and potential leads to your site.

SEO and PR: Opportunities Galore!

Awards also present fantastic public relations (PR) opportunities.

Being a finalist or winner gives your business something newsworthy to share with the media, your audience, and stakeholders. This can lead to press coverage (like this little beauty), guest blog opportunities, and social media buzz, further amplifying your brand’s reach.

Every article, post, or mention acts as a mini advertisement for your business, enhancing your reputation and attracting potential new customers.

Social Proof and E-E-A-T

In this digital age, social proof is crucial. Awards provide tangible proof of your business’ capabilities, making it easier for prospective customers to trust you.

Displaying award logos on your website, marketing materials, and social media profiles reinforces your credibility and authority, contributing to E-E-A-T and making your business stand out from the competition.

A Time for Reflection and Celebration

Preparing an award entry however is about more than just filling out forms or responding to certain criteria.

It’s a valuable opportunity to reflect on your business journey, achievements, and future goals. The process can help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, and offer insights to shape your strategy moving forward.

Winning or being a finalist is also a great reason to celebrate! It’s a morale booster for your team, reinforcing their hard work and dedication. Celebrating achievements together strengthens team bonds and fosters a positive work culture, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Boost your Business with SEO and PR

With so many great benefits of awards – from boosting your SEO, creating PR opportunities, and strengthening your team – it’s definitely worth investigating and entering.

And if you’d like some support with implementing an SEO strategy to maximise your own awards nod – contact our experts at Front Page SEO today!