SEO Case Studies
While we can’t speak for other agencies, at Front Page SEO we are confident that we can drive CLICKS + CLIENTS to our clients’ websites, because of the outcomes we’ve achieved in the past! The proof is in the pudding …
So here are some real life examples from clients we have worked with, to prove that SEO really does work!
The examples below start with the most recent, and go back chronologically, so we can add new case studies regularly.

SEO Case Studies
SEO Case Study 9
Bricks and Mortar store, July 2024:
In early 2022 this local business owner approached us, concerned that their current SEO provider wasn’t really doing anything despite their monthly charges.
During one of our free 30 minute consults, we were able to show this owner that their suspicions were correct – very little had been done since they’d signed up. For example, not one new blog post or article had been added to their website in over two years!
BEFORE we started working with them, they had:
- 287 keywords ranking in total;
- 22 in the top 10;
- only 3 in #1 position;
- generating 301 visitors per month.
AFTER two years, things are much improved:
- 392 keywords ranking in total;
- 48 in the top 10;
- 21 in #1 position;
- bringing 459 visitors/month.
That’s an increase of over 50%!
If your business could benefit from an over 50% increase in leads coming in from Google, we’d love to help. You can book a free 30 minute Zoom consult with an SEO specialist to check if your current provider is doing the right thing – or, how we could help boost your business.
SEO Case Study 8
Customs Broker, March 2024:
Before we started working with this business in early 2021, their SEO was doing okay, with 251 visitors arriving on their site via organic search in the previous month.
However, they wanted to do a whole lot better and were keen to grow their business. That’s where we came in, with a monthly SEO package tailored to their needs.
By August 2022, they were getting 1000 clicks on their site per month.
In March 2024, this had risen to 3500 visits from organic search in a one month period!
I often tell clients and prospects that SEO tends to build momentum over time, something which you can clearly see in the graph below which shows the company’s website traffic from Google and Co over the last two years.
As the old shampoo ad says, “It won’t happen overnight, but it WILL happen” … especially when you have the team at Front Page SEO on the job!
SEO Case Study 7
Bespoke Beauty Business, January 2023:
How would you like 6 times as many people landing on your website, checking out your products and services?
That’s what we’ve been able to achieve for this small, family run business in just 12 months … but what’s really exciting is that THIS IS ONLY THE START!
SEO does take time – usually 9 to 12 months – to really start generating leads. This might seem like a disadvantage, but it’s important to remember that the flip side is that it continues to provide return on investment for much longer than other marketing methods. (As the old saying goes, anything worth having is worth waiting for!)
This particular client sells products in the beauty industry – an incredibly competitive space.
One of the reasons we are loving this particular SEO Case Study is that it demonstrates how we can help smaller, boutique brands, get a slice of the action – even when competing against massive multinationals!
As Front Page SEO is continuing to work with this client, we are looking forward to watching this client’s website traffic and income increase exponentially in the coming months.
Keep an eye on this page of SEO Case Studies because we’ll be back to provide another update in due course!
SEO Case Study 6
Trevor Lane Podiatry, March 2022:
This is an update on Case Study No. 2.
While we were getting good results already, by the end of 2020 our SEO Team realised that the website was really holding this client back. Built on older technology, it severely limited what could be done to improve the business’ presence in Google.
With our encouragement – and with some irritating tech issues beginning to arise – the business owners realised it was time to invest in a new website.
Take a look at the graph below to see how their traffic sky-rocketed after the new website went live in May 2021, and Google Analytics tracking had been reinstalled …
Of course the REAL TEST is not how many keywords are ranking, or even how much traffic the website is receiving.
Since the new website went live, conversions (calls and online bookings) have more than doubled.
Was our SEO expertise and that new website worth the investment? We’re sure if you were to check with the business owners personally, they would wholeheartedly agree!

SEO Case Study 5
Artisan Food Producer, September 2020:
This particular SEO Case Study is a great example of two things:
- What can be achieved with a premium SEO Boost (one-off) package from Front Page SEO;
- And how quickly it can make a difference to search engine rankings, website traffic and business success – yes, even for a business based in Melbourne, during some of the tightest restrictions of the global coronavirus pandemic! The Boost package was undertaken during July 2020, and you can see how it is ranking for a LOT more keywords in the graph below.
But ranking for more keywords is meaningless if it doesn’t equate to more clicks, customers, and sales – so here’s a quick summary of what we were able to achieve in just three months.
The business owner has seen a 300% increase in website traffic since June – and even better, online revenue has also increased by almost 300%!
If those are the sort of results you’d like to see from your SEO, please get in touch to book your free Zoom consultation.

SEO Case Study 4
Professional Services business, December 2019: The graph below shows the number of keywords this site was ranking for early in 2019 – and how that number made an impressive jump over the next few months. In this particular case, the client chose a one-off SEO Boost package (silver).
Then: At the beginning of the year only one keyword – which wasn’t even relevant! – was on the front page of Google search results.
Now: The business is reaping the rewards of having over a dozen carefully chosen keywords ranking on page one: lots of clicks and clients!
Professional Services

SEO Case Study 3
Sport + Recreation Facility, October 2019: This sport and recreation facility opened at the beginning of 2017, with a website built on Wix – however the owners quickly realised that their website wasn’t showing up in search engine results.
They invested in an SEO Boost package (one-off) from Front Page SEO in June of 2017, and within six months were ranking on the front page of Google for a number of relevant and desirable search terms.
Currently the site ranks for 149 keywords, bringing approximately 1000 web visitors every month. Six keywords are in the top spot, with 27 appearing on the front page (positions 1-10) of Google search results.
Sport & Recreation Facility

SEO Case Study 2
Allied Health Provider, September 2019: In August 2016, the owners of this established clinic signed up for a monthly SEO package which consisted of a combination of regular blog content as well as a focus on backlink building.
As you can see in the graph below, they barely had any presence in search engine results at that time. For a small investment each month, this allied health clinic is now ranking for a whopping 721 keywords and the owners have been able to cancel their Google Ads and Yellow Pages accounts – which were costing them significantly more!
Allied Health Practitioner

SEO Case Study 1
Psychology Clinic, September 2017: At the end of 2012 a Brisbane psychology firm saw that the future was in digital, and contracted Front Page SEO to take care of their Search Engine Optimisation. As you can see in the graph below, their website was ranking for a few keywords at the time ….
However over the past five years I have been able to achieve some great results for this client. The website currently ranks for 1.7 thousand relevant keywords, generating a steady stream of clients to consistently fill the books of over 20 psychologists!
Yes, there are some ups and downs, because that is the nature of SEO. But even during the “down” periods the website is ranking so much better than it was previously.
Psychologist Clinic

It might seem like magic, but there is well researched, carefully thought out strategy behind this rise in the search engine rankings and resulting web traffic.
If you are keen to know the actual businesses that are the subjects of these case studies, we are happy to provide this information.
You can reach out to us by emailing – or use our online booking service to schedule your free initial consult with one of our SEO specialists today!